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We believe that achievement goes beyond the classroom, into all aspects of a well-rounded life. We have experienced first-hand how team sports like futsal can offer young minds and bodies wholesome stimulation that is crucial in their
developing years.
Our academy provides a safe and fun environment for children to embrace their individuality while learning to thrive in a team or community setting. We aim to help the next generation to build a solid foundation of confidence, discipline, and passion on which they can grow towards their full potential.
?Because we believe in equality and inclusion, we have designed our academy to meet the children at their individual levels of growth and aspiration. Everyone is
welcome, and fun and learning are guaranteed for all. At the same time, we are passionate about futsal and football and believe that there is real talent within the young generations of Malaysia, waiting to be fostered.
?Thus, for children who demonstrate real interest and talent, we offer an elite training program that is designed to hone technical and tactical skills through professional
drills, strategic planning, and real world exposure through representing the academy at games and tournaments. We believe that with the right guidance, resources and training, we will be able to inspire a generation of passionate, committed athletes who can then go on to elevate Malaysian futsal and football, and make our country proud.
First Floor, B10-1 ,Jalan SS15/8A ,47500 ,Selangor ,Malaysia
Far Post Sdn Bhd
Far Post Sdn Bhd
Kawasan Perindustrian, Seksyen 51a ,Republic of Futsal ,46100 ,Selangor ,Malaysia
Commercial Classes
Commercial Classes
Operating Hours
09:00 - 18:00
Working Day: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Working Day: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Far Post Academy
Far Post Academy
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