We all have interest in different things, and we learn new things differently, that is why we are putting together learning classes offered by our diverse teachers, with different teaching approach, to suit your learning style.
All the educators that you are looking on Evetag, were carefully vetted by our team. We have taken the extra effort to talk to them, research them and even attended some of their classes before putting up.
Evetag curate details only from established teachers and display verified student reviews. So rest assured when you’re learning with us.
Now you can also earn points when you buy any class on Evetag. Check out our fun and cool program, taught by our creative teachers, professional instructors, and dedicated coaches who care for your growth.
Evetag is making learning fun, easier, exciting, accessible and convenient for all ages.
We know you're busy. Doing marketing, replying pm, tracking fee collection, administration, data reporting… and, oh yeah, teaching.
Use technology to help you run your business easier and more effectively. Our backend system allows you to create and publish your class easily, do scheduling, collect fee, monitor your bookings, and manage your student record and many more.
If you are looking for more students, join our marketplace and get extra exposure today. Engage our referral community to help you attract potential new clients.
It is our aim to help you to focus on what you do best, and let us handle the rest for you.
We believe knowledge are meant to be shared. Our aim is to bring your philosophy, reaching out to greater community. Join us to be listed as EVETAG education provider!
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