【什么是创意美术?】 【3-12岁少儿美术,创意比"画得像”更重要!】 现在大部分的画室都是教孩子们如何上色,如何画得和老师的一样。 往往这样子的教学方式限制了孩子们的创意力和创造力。
我们这里采用的教学方式包含了画画和手工为一体 让孩子们真正的喜欢上美术。
What is creative arts??
?3-12 years old arts, creative are more important than "Copy and Paste" !?
Nowadays most of the art class are teaching their student how to coloring, or how to draw like their teacher's showing.
These kind of method are limiting kids creativity.
Our class here combine drawing and handcraft together
So that kids can truly enjoy what is creative arts !
童心创意美术 One Heart Creative Studio